The Power Of Love


Point Mugu Rock. Malibu, California

Written on December 30, 2017 in response to #MeToo and future world changes.

The following message comes in peace and love.

In 2017, we witnessed the beginning of an unfolding that has upended long-established ways of being never thought possible, setting off a chain reaction and portending more to come: The fall of powerful men.

What is happening can be understood from a higher perspective, one that is founded in love. It points to human evolution and a new, more loving way of being. The tool which has been chosen for this unfolding, which love knows that man can understand and learn from, is to fall.

Love could have chosen any theater upon which to begin the unfolding. In time, all theaters will be visited. Already, many have. Now, there will be a difference; there will be transformation.

Throughout time, love has been asking to be heard. Love has asked us to live with integrity — meaning integrated, for all. With harm to none. For we share the same world. We are one.

Historically, love has always triumphed. Albeit, taking time.

2017 marks the beginning of an acceleration. A momentum has been building. Through the ages people have heard love’s call and have responded — in recent times, catalyzed by a wondrous phenomenon: Awareness.

Man’s own creations have made this possible, each one providing an opportunity for transformation without falling.

With the internet began a proliferation of information. Centuries ago, printing books and newspapers was the start. Information is power. For most of history, powerful ones have held the keys. Information empowers people, informing their opinions, perspectives, and decisions. The internet has centralized a world of information, propelling awareness and transformation.

With social media came a platform for expressing individual voice and perspective. A place where like-minded individuals could meet across space and time. A place where groups of people could organize and galvanize ideas. A place for creating, sharing, and celebrating. People around the world coming together, exciting awareness and transformation.

But also gridlock. Where we stand today. Breaking through requires a willingness to understand the perspective of another. In the absence of one’s willingness, one can be shown directly. One can fall.

“Falling” is a human perspective, involving painful consequences for one’s actions. Punishment.

Love has a different perspective. The higher perspective is not one of pain or punishment. Love sees an opportunity for understanding. And this: What we put out into the world is what comes back.

Violation. Humiliation. A loss of dignity and respect. A taking away of that which one holds dearly.

And a takeaway. Now, I understand. And I am truly sorry. In the moment of the fall, grace. Embarrassment, guilt, shame, and matters of the self put aside. Understanding revealed with clarity. An opening of the heart.

Love returns if its message is not heard. Love does so with compassion. Love does not judge.

The unfolding is poised to touch leaders and organizations of all sizes and intentions. Governments, financial institutions, corporations, religions, media, and more. Past failings serve as insights for future change — without the need to fall. Leaders need only reflect on history with honesty. Wise leaders, inspired by the examples of other wise leaders, revising their plans and strategies, incorporating ethics — which is founded in love — and reaping the rewards: success, prosperity, good will. Love’s reward. Which is promised to us all.

The unfolding can touch anyone. You and I can fall. Do we always live with integrity?

Love has been sending a message about our planet. Indigenous and native people wise to this basic truth: Respect and reverence for planet earth, her resources, natural beauty, and living creatures is our responsibility. Together, the people of the world share this responsibility and honor.

Love is mysterious and wise. It knows best how to deliver a message in ways we cannot anticipate. Through the summoning of people, technological means, the voice of the newly transformed, and more.

No wall — physical or otherwise — can stop the momentum that is underway. In the wake of net non-neutrality, information will find a new place to live, if necessary. In our economically-driven world, people will steer humanitarian change through conscious, thoughtful personal spending — or lack of — as well as casting of votes. In time, fake news, lies, and deceit, as they continue to be revealed, will lose their power and simply end.

Love is merciful. When we are truly sorry, we are forgiven. It is not a matter for us to decide, but we will know if it has happened. Has your perspective changed? Do you feel changed forever? Are you feeling love?

There isn’t one among us who must fall. In every moment, we can choose love.

And so,

The time of living with integrity is upon us.

Live by, “with harm to none.” Stand in the shoes of another. How does it feel? Let that be your guide.

Reason void of integrity is losing power.

Watch, as the unfolding continues.

Watch, to see where there is love.

Watch, to see love’s reward.

Such is the power of love.

© 2017-2020 Marlene Veltre All rights reserved



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