How to Defeat Your Adversaries
“Gorilla” 2010 acrylics, author
Whether you call it Sun Tzu’s, The Art of War, the universal laws of energy, or common sense, this is how to defeat your adversaries.
#1: Don’t engage with them.
You won’t change their perspective — accept this. Nor will they change yours. Strong, opposing beliefs are what’s polarizing our country. Like energy attracts like energy and amplifies. Don’t fight battles you cannot win.
Especially, don’t be insulting or hateful in response to the same because it will only reinforce the same energy in the collective. Insulting, hateful energy attracts insulting, hateful energy and amplifies.
These are lower energies, and a predominance of the lower energies in the collective overrun the higher energies — integrity, compassion, wisdom, and understanding — blocking what is needed for positive change.
This may be the biggest obstacle to defeating your adversaries. Strong reactions are understandable, but they only create personal unpleasantness. What you put out is what comes back.
Your time and energy is better spent on #2, effecting positive change.
Like what happened with Luke Skywalker in the fight scene in the movie, Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi. As hard as it was, Luke overcame his anger with Darth Vader. Luke said, “I’m not going to fight with you father.” Instead, Luke called for backup and got to work with the others saving the star system. He didn’t go to the dark side.
#2 : Spend your time and energy effecting positive change.
Take the offensive, not the defensive.
Focus on the positive change you want — not also the negativity you don’t want.
Two opposing energies cannot manifest at the same time. You manifest what you focus on.
Focusing on the higher energies of justice, virtue, and harmony will manifest more of the same, whereas focusing on the lower energies of revenge, hatred, and dominance will manifest more of the same. Like energy attracts like energy and amplifies.
The higher energies amplify more powerfully than the lower energies.
This is where our power lies.
To give you an idea, the energy of one person thinking, speaking, and acting with love and integrity is more powerful than a hundred people who are not. The power increases exponentially with more people who are.
Like what happened with the people of Whoville in Dr. Seuss’, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas. The Grinch tried to steal Christmas, but he failed. He couldn’t break the people of Whoville’s unshakable desire to celebrate Christmas.
And look what happened with The Grinch.
Which leads to #3…
#3: Allow things to unfold.
Let go.
Stay the course and don’t worry about what happens along the way because, eventually…
What you put out is what comes back.
It always has, and it always will. Trust that the higher energies you have put out will come back.
Also trust that the lower energies others have put out will come back (e.g. #MeToo, #BLM) — with a purpose.
For those who have put out lower energies — to understand the suffering they have caused and to seek forgiveness and make amends.
For those who have put out higher energies — to forgive those who have been put out lower energies.
For everyone — to gain wisdom and create a better, more loving world.
Like what happened with Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens’, A Christmas Story. When Scrooge understood the reasons for his cold, broken heart, he underwent a metamorphosis and became woke. He showered the Cratchit family and others with kindness and generosity, and ensured that instead of dying that year, Tiny Tim would live.
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