Choosing To Forgive In Silence And Walk Away
This video showed up on my Youtube feed. It talks about forgiving in silence and walking away. Explaining about the nature of forgiveness itself, which isn’t always understood, along with the wisdom of walking away, which is different from ghosting.
The information is presented in the Zen Buddhist tradition. Personally, I don’t practice Buddhism, but I like to draw on wisdom from different sources.
The automated narration is a little choppy, but if you can look past that, you may find the ideas to be valuable.
One point mentioned that I’d like to emphasize is letting go of painful feelings: anger, sorrow, and so on. It’s essential. What I’ve seen in my emotional healing practice is how our held-on feelings can get in the way of seeing matters clearly and making good decisions, and flourishing in our lives.
In a sense, forgiveness can be thought of as a mental health tool. Seek assistance in counseling, therapy, journaling, or any number of other self-help or spiritual tools. This is a tool that I offer, called The Method. This is a writing exercise for releasing anger.
With love.